Just a quick update. I’ve wanted to write for a while because I have a lot of questions spinning around in my head. The problems are - I have no time to think, and the thoughts are so large and complex that I cannot hold them together for a long enough time to write them down.

So this is just to document that I’m still thinking over all the questions I have. I’m still hoping for a message from God. I’ve been following discussion at the Dilbert Blog - or at least the parts that pertain to my questions, and Scott Adams puts into words some of the same questions that have shaken my faith. At the same time, I have talked with people of faith and been to the funeral of my wife’s grandmother - stirring the old feelings of belonging and satisfaction I had being a part of the church.

You might think the answer is obvious, and from day to day I flop from feeling either that religion is silly, or that I wish to return to it. My confusion is great, and I don’t see an answer in sight.