Back Space Flighting again

I have a couple of things I want to write about but first on my list is to keep the pledge I made to finish the story I was writing over 10 years ago and finially publish how it ends.

The story is called Space Flight 704. BUT before you click on that you might want to wait!

First, I formatted the posts to do specific text effects in my previous site iteration. I intend to fix them, and would hold off until that’s done, but well that’s how we got here isn’t it? So later chapters will look and behave weirdly, such as this:

A screenshot of this site of a post whose formatting makes it completely unreadable full of special tags that say 'timeswap' and 'timeline 1'

I'm sorry I really will clean it up soon

So as unhappy as I am that it’s in that state, maybe by posting it you can see I mean to make it good again.

In my defence, I still think a post that switches timelines as you read is fun, but it makes it a mess to read. And seriously everyone, I absolutely adore this story because it’s got time travel, and a thick skulled hero called Rex Havoc, and dumb space weapons, and evil villains with evil lairs, and betrayal, and mayhem!

I wondered about posting the chapters from the start on the fediverse, one day at a time for about 100 days. The posts are ready to go to do so too, but the fediverse software out there makes my head ache when I think about self hosting it and I don’t know which instance will give me scheduled posts and markdown. The recommendations I’ve had are for glitch-soc and misskey forks, but I’ll need to find a healthy and pleasant instance.

That all said, if you’re not put off and you still want to read, the latest chapter is up at Space Flight 704, Chapter 72: For the First Time, and the whole series starts at the beginning at the link above. The formatting goes off the rails at chapter 11.

I hope you can enjoy it like I enjoyed writing it, and like some of my friends at the time 10 years ago seemed to enjoy it.

Space Flight 704, Chapter 72: For the First Time

Rex reached in to the Ortrix

The other was there and Rex felt like he knew them more intimately than ever before.

“You’re beautiful”, he said.

"We were a race of amazing creatures", the other agreed.

Rex looked his companion in the eye.

“Can I bring you back? Stop it ever happening?”

"That's not why we brought you here."

Speaking of Art

Following on from post on my new “art” focus, I wanted to share a piece of art that I absolutely adore.

This isn’t my art, and as you may have surmised from the previous post, I don’t think of myself as an “art person”. I have previously told myself I am one of those people who don’t “get art”, and when I think about what that means I realise I mean “modern art”, but also “art you scroll past on a screen”.

Because our brains process art differently when it’s real and tangible in front of us, and I think we also see it differently when we’re bored or hungry or just want to hussle our kids through the gallery to the cafe1.

So it shocked me one day when I was out with the family in Gumeracha at a little cafe and art studio called The Coach House, and found myself falling for a little peice of art on display there. It was acrylic on board of part of a tree branch covered with moss, with autumn leaves in the background. The leaves were large and out of focus - colour and shape mostly - while the branch was crisp and detailed and textured. The paint itself was thick and poked off the canvas like a living thing, like actual moss and bark.

I couldn’t explain then, and still cannot today, why it just worked for me. It gave me the sense of depth of a photograph because the background was abstract and blurry while the foreground was not just sharp but popping off the canvas and it just tickled my brain in a way art never has before.

Even though I wanted to buy it then and there, it was not cheap. If I saw it today I would have never been able to afford it. But after we left, it hung around in my head for weeks. I found myself wondering if I could buy art? Would I even enjoy it? Was I even remembering it right?

Eventually I couldn’t ignore the itch any longer and drove back to the studio to purchase the peice. I’m glad to this day that I did. It hangs on my wall where I work where it feels like a little window to a tree just outside.

It was a work called Lichening by an artist named Kerrie Drogemuller. I’ve included a photo here because I want to try and share it with you, but keep in mind that the texture is just as important and pictures genuinely don’t do it justice.

A very realistic painting of lichen on a branch. The sun is hitting it from above, leaving bright yellow/green highlights. There is a second smaller branch running parallel and the shapes and outlines of large leaves behind.

Lichening by Kerrie Drogemuller

If I zoom in you can see how much the paint is layered to give it so much life at the macro level.

A closer picture of the same peice, showing blotches of yellow, orange, many shades of green, brown and light touches of white to higlight the edges of the paint


Lichening by Kerrie Drogemuller

But even if I show you another angle, you still can’t appreciate the whole work from behind a screen.

A tilted picture of a small part of the whole painting, showing shadows and highlights across the surface of the paint, including the underlying criscross pattern of the canvas where the paint has soaked in


Lichening by Kerrie Drogemuller

This is my chance to say thank you to Kerrie. I believe she’s still making art, but the Coach House is closed now. I hope she keeps providing joy through her art.

And if you already “get” art, then I guess this post might seem quaint or naive to you. I don’t claim I know what I’m talking about, and I won’t say “I just know what I like”, but I will say that maybe there’s more to it than aesthetics, or technique. Maybe it takes an audience to feel it, even if they don’t understand it, and if you don’t - maybe you just haven’t really felt it yet.

  1. oh, is this just a me thing? 

make thing

My mate Kat recently posted - on her new ƂʆϘϭ - about her Summer of Flops: going on a tear watching movies that were financial or critical failures. In the post she mentions a “Zine” she wrote about the topic months ago and handed out on real actual paper to real life humans.

The word 'ART' written in caligraphy style with brown and plue strokes, with litte black squiggles between and around the letters

My Art by screenbeard

Zines aren’t a thing any more! Yet here Kat is, acting like they never went out of fashion - like blogs didn’t kill them before Facebook killed blogs. She even graciously sent me one, despite the soaring postage prices.

Zines are so old school. I remember being part of a group who wanted to put out a zine at Uni. I think they were so old-school then that we wanted to do a “digital zine” on the university web hosting. That was my fist experience with HTML, and I think it sparked something. I wish I could find those old files now to share just how bad it was, although the writing and art that the people in the group contributed was really very good1.

Before that zine I thought that while an art career was never in my future, at least I might learn how to create art and start making it some day. Like music, I thought it was a skill you could pick up through practice, and like music, I thought that once you had the skill, you’d want to do it.

But I never wanted to practice, and ended up convincing myself that I just am not into art (or music), and don’t have it in my bones. Which is sad.

But recently I’ve been hit by a couple of examples like Kat’s zine that have made me consider that I may have cut myself off from learning what art even is.

CJ the X is a youtuber and musician that has done a number of videos that exalt art to a place I’d never thought to place it. In their video about the 7 Deadly Art Sins they breaks down the many reasons one might fail to commit art, and how the sins rob you and the universe of something singular that only you can provide.

You are a nonfungible individual.

We are the original bored apes. The boredom is the pain of existence, the club is the collective unconscious, and the yacht is NFTs. Your specific perception of the universe and the potentialities that lie under your skin, your little imagination lightning rod that detects like the ghosts of hitherto unrealized dreams, it is not replaceable!

There’s not going to be another one of you. So if you’re not going to put in the work to make that idle fantasy that could have been real real, it will not exist.

— CJ the X, 7 Deadly Art Sins

CJ the X talks about art in these terms in all their videos and despite myself I find it inspiring, even though I barely know what it means to be inspired.

The most creative times in my life have been writing code and writing two full stories I’ve felt proud of. I can’t convince myself that code is art, although I’d be open to arguments if anyone cared to make one to me, but if I squint hard enough I could call those two peices of writing “art”. One was a stage play I did when I took some extra year 12 classes one semester. The play is lost now - I can’t find the print out or the file backups - but it earned me the only A I ever got in highschool.

The other is a series I posted here about a ‘lil guy who is a badass space adventurer who dies in the second chapter. The story was fun to write because I constrained myself to writing tiny micro-chapters with a specific structure, but the story spiralled out and I stuffed it full of the tropes and sci-fi story beats I love, and it’s absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done.

But I didn’t finish it and post the end anywhere. I wrote the ending, and there were only a few tiny chapters left, but I never typed them up and published them and I still can’t identify why I didn’t just put them out there into the world to be their own thing. The Deadly Art Sin of greed - hoarding the final scraps so the story could be mine and only mine and I wouldn’t have to ask why no one else was enjoying it like I was.

So I’ve spent some time building out my own journaling software so I can keep writing these little posts and trying to do a art again, and I will post the remaining chapters and you can yell at me on mastodon if I don’t put them up soon.

Another good friend Ruben wrote about writers using AI images to acompany their posts. I admit I’ve been tempted to see AI image generation as a way to overcome my own lack of artistic talent and if I’d been at all active in the last two years may have actually used some on my own site. But as he says:

But to the writers specifically who are dumping garbage in their vegetable crisper, I’d implore you to reconsider. You don’t need them! Eschewing (gesundheit) an image entirely is preferable. Heck, even a stick figure or a bunch of shapes thrown together in LibreOffice Draw would be more useful and charming than anything these slop machines are puking onto your site and stinking up the joint. You—and by extension, your words—deserve more.

— Ruben Schade, Press button, receive slop

That snapped something in my brain and I vowed I’d put a little dinky art of my own on posts from now on. It’s why my come-back post included a very bad drawing of me at my computer, and why I didn’t just destroy the picture immediately when I finished it, but actually posted it on the internet for everyone to see. I’m not proud of my art, but it’s my art. And it won’t ever be perfect but I have to learn how to keep making it and giving it to the world.

  1. you can’t prove it wasn’t 

New Site, New Me

A very rough purple pencil sketch of me sitting at my desk facing my computer. I have a beard and glasses and it's not a very good drawing

Me @ my computer by screenbeard

Hi folks! It’s been a long time since I last posted, and a lot has happened. No more than has happened to anyone else over the same time and none of it is newsworthy, but the passage of time seemed like something that that should be at least acknowledged. Which seems redundant now that I type it out loud.

One of the things keeping me from posting is just the sheer insanity of life. Things don’t so much get in the way as they make posting seem inadequate. How do you put mundanity mixed with chaos and frustration into words without boring people? How do you tease out the parts that made you happy without looking like you’re trying too hard.

And then there’s the site itself. Writing up Markdown and finding images and putting it all together in Hugo was never a fun way to write. I was tied to my desktop and although I tried to have a “workflow” the way Hugo changed from month to month meant every time I uploaded I had up to a half-dozen broken steps I’d need to work through to get it re-built.

So I ended up putting it off more and more, even though my drafts folder was growing (slowly - but growing), and now we’re here more than a year later and no updates.

This time I determined to build the website my way. It’s taken a minute but I now have a way to generate my site that’s built on technologies I understand and my own sweat and tears. More of that when I write up how it works and how and why you might want to try it, but for now - I welcome you to the new and improved The Geekorium!

I’m still dogfooding it as I go, and there are a couple of things I still know I need to do, as well as a few bugs I’m not aware of, but if I put it off until it’s perfect I’ll never release it.

You might see some items that look like this: {{< youtube xyzabc123 >}} or some links that still look like Markdown. Those are unfinished until I can port over the plugins I need to translate the Hugo exclusive tags. I have figures working, and my next goal is the youtube tags, but please be patient while I get them going.

You might also get old sites in your feed reader (if you’re still subscribed). I rewrote the Atom feed and it may not even work, so sorry if it makes your reader grumpy.

In the meantime I welcome feedback. I reached out to Georgie of Hey Georgie for design help and she graciously gave me some ways to make the site look better, but all bad decisions are my own. If you have any ideas for improvements I’m all ears, because I don’t really have an eye for design. You can get in touch via email at josh @ or on the fediverse at and if you notice any jank please let me know.

November will be this this site’s 20th anniversary. I hope this new format will make me more likely to keep it up-to-date. So here’s to 2025 and the new online me!

Shell Out

Where to begin!?

It’s been so long, but I don’t think of this site as over. As difficult as I find it, or as uninspired as I am, I can’t bring myself to call this a failed experiment and give up on it – the intention is always to return here again.

As always, the perfect is the enemy of the good. Or the existant. I find myself believing that I can hold off writing while I build a new site theme, or switch from Hugo, or create something from scratch that meets all my needs.

So this is a new post, on my old theme, on clunky Hugo, manually uploaded like it has been for years, and I’m going to try to keep writing even when I would rather do it in another way.

“So what brings me back?” – I don’t hear you ask – and I answer: “nothing in particular”.

I feel lonely I guess. And not for lack of friends or company IRL, but because I sorta impulsively “noped out” of social media completely in a way I’ve never done before and lost a bunch of connections I value way more than I even realised I did.

Mastodon and were my homes for a while and I have to stress it wasn’t anyone or anything there that killed it for me. I was in a fragile state of mind when I left and I just wasn’t coping with my own self-imposed idea of what I wanted to be in that space. I’m back on elsewhere now, just to keep up with the tiny number of people I truly miss, but if you want to reach out, reach out here from now on.

I’m giving myself a theme this year: “out of my shell”, and in short I mean to push a little outwards to some of the goals I’ve put on hold or felt I was too unskilled to try. I have felt myself becoming more insular over the last three years and it’s left me feeling powerless, and helpless. So I’m not making grand sweeping goals, but I am publishing a new post for the first time in over a year1.

I do miss interacting with people, so if you see this post out there in the rss æther please drop me an email if you can be bothered2, or one day I might have a more public social media account you can say hello to. One reason I want to revamp my site is to get comments or post-pingbacks working like the good old days so I can use this as my outlet and still hear back from people.

I hope your holiday and new year have been joyful and relaxing and I hope to hear from you as I hope you’ll hear more from me this year!

  1. You can get this years xmas playlist that doesn’t suck on soundcloud if you care you listen to it in Jan. 

  2. josh @ 

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn't Suck (2022)

A decorated Rudolf the Reindeer biscuit with brown chocolate icing, a red m&m nose, two little white icing eyes and parts of pretzles for antlers

by by Corban

I’ve scoured Soundcloud to find the best Christmas music I could find. It’s chock full of Christmas favourites that are guaranteed to:

  1. Bring Christmas cheer
  2. Not suck

This year I thought I’d write up my song choices and explain some of them. In particular, number 21 is special. If you’re interested, you can skip to the writeup after you hit play.

{{< soundcloud 1538940298 >}}

My 2022 playlist writeup

  1. First up is a wonderful choral/orchestral version of O Come All Ye Faithful. I’ve included a Dan Forrest arrangement of this song in 2016. It reminds me a little of Murray Gold’s arrangement of the Doctor Who theme for Tennant, has this fast frantic chase in it. It’s good.
  2. I’ve never included the Hallelujah Chorus in a Christmas playlist for some reason. It’s never been “Christmassy” - but it is right? As much as any of these carols deserve to be here? This Kazoo version by the CSUF Kazoo Ensemble made Mil laugh.
  3. I like to include new songs or songs that aren’t the usual staples every year. This year I have This Is Not A Christmas Song by NEFFEX. It’s punky. I like it.
  4. Deck the Halls by Cimorelli is another choral carol, in a neat arrangement.
  5. This 8-bit version of Little Drummer Boy by Francisco Ramírez kicks off with the original Donkey Kong beat from my childhood, and if I’m not including an 8-bit track for myself regujarly, why am I even doing this?
  6. I’ve included I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas in some version almost ever year since I first heard it. Would you believe I never heard this song until I made the 2013 playlist? It has the same energy as I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Clause, but I like it better, and this version by laughingstock embraces the energy.
  7. There are so many good versions of Carol Of The Bells and I loved it as a kid when I heard it in Home Alone, so there’s a version almost every year. This version by Candice Boyd is brilliant.
  8. We joke every year that Away In A Manger was the song my eldest would tear up at - which isn’t funny in itself - but that she would actively avoid listening to this song because it did. So I’ve made it my mission to find the sweetest saddest version I can every year, and this version by Phil Wickham fits the bill. Love you A!
  9. Winter Wonderland is almost always filler. In Australia it doesn’t snow and my family hates carols that imply it’s not Christmas without a blizzard. However this Wes Reeve verson ISN’T the version you know and it’s quite sweet and is completely different song!
  10. This is a funky acapella version of Angels We Have Heard On High by Just 6. And as I’m listening to it again writing this up, I feel like this is the hidden gem of this playlist hidden back here at number 10. It’s worth the anticipation though.
  11. I’ve had some truly great versions of Star of Wonder on past playlists and this instrumental one by Craig Hamilton based on Sufjan Steven’s version which I had on my 2013 playlist.
  12. Silent Night is a staple, and this acapella arrangement by AUGUST 08 is really good.
  13. This loungy version of Joy To The World by Father Fortuna Music is groovy.
  14. I try to include a little funk or electroswing or both in every playlist. Wolfgang Lohr puts out something that fits the bill every year, so they’re on these lists a lot. This is a very funky version of Frosty the Snowman with Odd Chap (another of my favourite artists) and Maskarade.
  15. O Holy Night is my favourite carol hands down. I think it’s almost singlehandedly responsible for reminding me years ago that despite losing my faith I didn’t have to give up on the music and joy of Christmas. Getting to sing along to this once a year makes me happy, and this version by Flower Face is lovely.
  16. This is another one of those songs that we’ve imported and makes no sense in Aus. But it’s a fun song, and it’s literally called The Christmas Song so it shows up in searches a lot. This bluesy, blousy version by SHEE is catchy.
  17. Another one that made Mil laugh. This Reliant K version of Good King Wenceslas is dumb and funny.
  18. I’m a sucker for a duet, and I’ve included a couple over the years. Jason and Courtney Tompkins version of Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas is sweet and well sung.
  19. Not immune to pop-culture’s influence, and the fact my kids love the Guardians of the Galaxy, I’ve included I Don’t Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here) by the Old 97’s from this year’s GotG Christmas Special.
  20. I’ve included Dance of the Sugar Gum Fairy every year, and this makes less sence as a Christmas song than the Hallelujah Chorus, but so many artists do it, it must be Christmassy somehow. But I like it, and this version by B&B PROJECT is unique and I love it.
  21. OK, this track is kinda special, in that it was on the first playlist I made in 2012, and it’s the ten year anniversary of my Christmas playlists. It’s a swwet version of We Wish You A Merry Christmas by a really young girl named Olivia. This year I was looking through my past favourites looking to see if anyone had done other songs I could use and found number 22 linked from this account.
  22. This is Olivia again years later at 12 singing Ave Maria and it’s phenominal. Such a mindblowing change. What a great way to wrap out ten years of Christmas playlists!

This is also the first year I’m not including Jingle Bells! 10 years seems like as good a time as any to skip it, but I’ve included it in every other playlist. Go take a look at them too!

The whole Christmas Playlist That Doesn’t Suck (2022) is up on Soundcloud right now, go have a listen!

Thank you to all the artists who have shared their Christmas songs on SoundCloud for the rest of us!

Third ear nostalgia

An old car radio with push-in buttons to change station

Black Car Stereo Turned on at 7 by cottonbro

Have you ever heard or smelled or tasted something that just dragged you instantly into the past? It’s like that scene with Anton Ego, the food critic in the climax of Ratatouille - everything drops away and you’re experiencing something your concious mind had forgotten, but is still living in your brain buried under a mountain of time.

I was chatting to my kids over dinner when something prompted the memory of an old song from my childhood. Like a lot of the songs I tell my kids about, they didn’t believe it could have been real, so as usual I had to get it playing for them. But the version blasting from Spotify wasn’t the version of the song I’d heard as a child and it got me wondering what had I been listening to all those years ago.

See, like a lot of people in the eighties we had car with a tape deck (and no air conditioner, which I still to this day cannot explain to my children how anyone lived without). And on this tape deck we wore out a lot of tapes driving our parents mad with the same songs over and over. We were a Christian family, the family of a pastor no less, so most of the tapes were Psalty the Singing Songbook (and that anthropomorphic hymnal could be a post in and of itself, but lets not get side-tracked). I’m sure mum and dad had their tapes too, and I recall a lot of Keith Green and maybe some Dion? Was that the ex-pop star turned Christian? This is already taking too long so I’m not looking him up.

But man cannot live on bread alone, and not every tape was dedicated to the glory of God. We had one tape that had popular music. There may have been more, but this is the singular one that has made an impression on my childhood brain. And not because it was unholy. Lets not forget, this was the mid-eighties, and my parents had stopped listening to secular music in the decade before I was born, so this “pop” music was taken from an era before my parents even met. Anything with lyrics was right out, so the tape we had, cribbed from an old record we may have not even owned (yes, I’m putting my parents at risk of being prosecuted for piracy some 35 years after the fact) was instrumental only.

But not just any instrument, no. This was not an album of romantic violin. This was no inspirational piano. Ask yourself, what instrument could elevate the hits of the 70’s more than any other? What could capture the spirit of daring, of whimsy - of new possibilities - like no other instrument before or since?

Why the Moog of course!

That slice of synth heaven from God himself, squeaking to your third ear like the voice of an electronic angel. Telling you music will never be the same and you will never be shackled to wood and string and reed again.

Frankly I’ve built it up too much now. I don’t actually normally enjoy the Moog too much. As a child of the eighties I have a soft spot for chiptunes produced on the Commodore SID chip, so I recognise it can take some rosy glasses of nostalgia to see the appeal of some sounds. In reality, this Moog album was my first, and in the intervening years I’ve never felt the pressing need to seek out more.

But that song I recalled, but didn’t recognise? I thought it might have been an electronic version from an album of synthesizer covers. The memory of the song Popcorn, another childhood favourite, rose unbidden to my mind and I knew it had to have been the same tape.

So I did some digging. It took a couple of tries, but I found it. In that moment I experienced that slow but wonderful excavation of buried memories that crystallise and lock the fragments of the past back into those places you’d made for them.

Which is all so much prelude to share this treasure from my childhood. I present Popcorn (and other switched-on smash hits) by Electric Coconut, also re-released a year later as Elektrik Cokernut’s Go Moog! I don’t recall which title we knew it as, but we probably just called it “the Popcorn tape”. has the full album, and I swear as I listened to each song, deeply worn mental pathways covered in neglect reconnected and unearthed memories of brown leather seats three kids wide, big clicky radio buttons, and driving with the wind in your face skipping your hand against the current of air.

Moog may be an acquired taste, but the whole album is such a treat of 70’s hits.

Starting with “Popcorn“, this cover may be the one that most closely resembles the original. “Pop Corn” was written for the Moog in 1969 by Gershon Kingsley and the original is the classic synth tune that hit number one on charts all over the world. You may have heard a different version to me, and that might be your definitive version. Hot Butter’s version was also very popular and the Swedish Chef from The Muppets did a cute interpretation. I hope for your sake your childhood version wasn’t the Crazy Frog one.

Before diving into this album I’d never heard the original “Sampson and Delilah“ by Middle of the Road. I don’t know if my parents knew it, or just fit the name of the song to the music as it played, but I recall a fair bit of “nah nah nah, Samson and Delilah, mumble mumble, huh huh huhh” in place of the actual lyrics as it played. Actually, some of the lyrics are literally “nah nah nah”, so that complicates it somewhat. There’s a little violin sting in there and it’s possible that planted a tiny seed of love for that instrument in my head.

Next is the song who’s very existence my children doubted. To be fair, if you told me there was a hit song in ‘72 whose sole lyric was the words “Mouldy Old Dough’’ spoken in a low growl, I’d probably not believe you either, but there you go. It’s an absolute banger, with tin whistle, a honky-tonk sorta marching beat and the privilege of being “the only British number one single to feature a mother and son”. That’s right, this band of groovy young men roped in front-man Rob Woodward’s mum Hilda to play piano for many of their songs, and you can see from video recorded at the time she was having a fun time playing with these nice young men. The Electric Coconut version is fun too, cemented in my head more than any other on the album except perhaps for “Popcorn” itself.

“Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep“ was a song whose known lyrics in that car extended further than the title, but not much further. Admittedly there’s not much more to it, but I think my parents knew the chirpy cheep bits and maybe the bits crying “where’s your mamma gone” but not much else. It’s probably for the best, as the 1970’s Middle of the Road hit topped the Guardian’s list of Top Ten Creepiest Songs.

Another 1972 hit “Wig-Wam Bam“ by The Sweet is next, and listening to the original up against the Moog version, this is one of the few on Popcorn I might enjoy more. The lyrics of the original have a potentially problematic cultural appropriation issue, being based on The Song of Hiawatha, a poem from 1855. The poem took a bunch of Native American cultural concepts and fashioned them into a narrative but with made up characters that end with the natives accepting Christianity. None of that is in the song, but it’s got that same sort of messed up idea that non-white cultures have magic nonsense words that reminds me a lot of that Witch Doctor song (“ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang walla etc..”).

We’re half way through, and wrapping up side one is “Morning has Broken“ popularised by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) in 1972. This was originally a Christian hymn, and between this and “Samson & Delilah” probably accounts for the survival of this tape in our religious car for so many years. The Moog version definitely uses the Cat Stevens arrangement, as that piano introduction is so iconic, but the electronic version is almost unbearable to listen to in contrast.

Side two starts off strong with the only original Electric Coconut composition on this album. “Jungle Juice” is a really fun tune that reminds me a lot of Gary Glitter’s “Rock and Roll Part 2” which came out in… you guessed it, 1972. If there’s some other connective tissue between these two songs, or you think they’re not all that closely related and I’m imagining things, let me know!

“Seaside Shuffle“ is the last song on the album that warrants its own paragraph. Released in ‘71 then again to better success in 1972 by Terry Dactyl and the Dinosaurs, I enjoy both the original and this Moog version. In 1995 when Shaggy released “In the Summertime“ I could not for the life of me figure out why this catchy tune was so familiar, those mental pathways covered over with 10 years of moss. They’re not the same song of course - Shaggy was covering the 1970’s hit “In the Summer Time” by Mungo Jerry. Again, my ability to parse out musical cues may be off-target, but “Seaside Shuffle” and “In the Summer Time” certainly share some musical DNA. I can’t find anything sourced, but this post from 2012 claims Mungo Jerry played with the house band that went onto become Terry Dactyl, but they make no effort to back those claims, so take it with a pinch of salt. Regardless, the similarity explains why Shaggy’s hit triggered that little bell in my brain that elevates my opinion of new music when it reminds me of childhood memories and makes a song irresistible to me.

“Softly Whispering I Love You“ is a slow and quiet track that hasn’t got a lot to recommend itself in an instrumental Moog version. It was written in ‘67 but wasn’t popular until covered in ‘71. None of these versions are my cup of tea. Track ten is “Jeepster“ which uses the squishy electric sound to good effect, but T. Rex’s original is better. The penultimate track is Neil Diamond’s “Song Sung Blue“, and from the shallower mental pathways this song made (though they are still there) this was about the point in Popcorn (and other switched-on smash hits) the kids were begging mum and dad to fast-forward to the other side of the tape - if we hadn’t already asked at “Softly Whispering”. This side of the album really derails fast, and if you’ve made it this far you’re treated to a very forgettable version of Ringo Starr’s “Back Off Boogaloo“. I’m grateful now to have heard the original ‘cause it’s got some charm, but fast-forwarding at any of the previous three tracks and losing this one in the wash is not something anyone in the car ever regretted.

So there you have it, a tape from a record of Moog covers of 70’s hits, learned on road trips in the Queensland heat that buried their way into my brain in ways I could barely put into words before my kids reminded me of a ridiculous song about spoiled food. Digging through the songs I loved gave me some fun connections I wanted to share with you all, and I hope you can enjoy some of them too, through whichever version makes you happiest. I’ve included a link to a playlist of the original versions, and included links to the Wikipedia pages of each song in case you want to learn more about any of them yourselves.

Thank you for reading and enjoy yourselves!

Spotify playlist of Popcorn (and other switched-on smash hits)

Popcorn (and other switched-on smash hits) by Electric Coconut

Restoration of a Childhood Icon Part Three


In parts [one]({{< ref “restoration-of-a-childhood-icon” >}}) and [two]({{< ref “restoration-of-a-childhood-icon” >}}) of this small series I tried to repair my childhood Commodore 64.

I’ve tried a lot since my last post and completely botched it, so all-in-all I’m feeling pretty confident in myself and happy with my progress.

Testing, testing

A screen with blocks in place of the correct characters

Failure to launch

Step one was to try the test cartridge when it arrived. Plugging it in I got a completely different unique garbage pattern, and a green border instead of the usual blue. This said to me that parts of the test cartridge were working, but that something NOT tested by the cart was to blame for the garbled pattern. A bit of research suggested the logic chip can sometimes output this sort of nonsense, although I was unable to find any pictures showing either of the issues I’ve experienced. I ordered a new 74LS373 logic chip and a backup 8500 CPU just in case, and sat quietly in the corner of the room for them to arrive.

I’m not equipped for this

The new chips arrived - and as the CPU I have is socketed - it was a quick job to see if the new 8500 would help. It did not. The logic chip was not socketed, and so I made a trip to Jaycar for one so I could start the process of making the whole board more easy to use for testing chips.

I did not spend the money on a desoldering gun, and soon regretted it. I was not enjoying it, but I was at least making progress until the final pin of the old logic chip didn’t de-solder the whole way and pulled up the trace on the board all the way back to the previous thru-hole.

I tracked back to Jaycar and purchased some silver trace paint and some wire. The trace paint was a waste of time (although I could have been doing it wrong), so I’m glad I picked up some wire while I was there. Then I installed the socket and tried to hard-wire the pin on the broken trace back to where it needed to be.

One, Two, Three

A close up of a circuit board with bad wiring and soldering visible


My attempts had made things worse. With the new logic chip in place in the socket and my gross wiring, the display now cuts in and out. Mostly out. The crazy patterns are still there too, making it clear the logic chip was not the culprit so I also shoddily removed a potentially working logic chip. Finally, I thought it might have simply been a dodgy soldering job, so I rechecked my work, and in the process learned my soldering iron might be too hot for this sort of work, and I’ve melted parts of the socket and I’m worried I’ve damaged the PCB even further.

Time to give up

At this point I was ready to pack it in. Deep down I’m not ready to stop, but I reached the limits of my knowledge about three steps ago, and have little to show for it. I reached out to friends who gave me some further advice, but I thought I’d sit on if for a while and try to decide the next best steps.

Fortunately I may have some better news for the next post in this series.

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn't Suck (2020)

A toy figure of the character Grogu from TV show The Mandalorian. It's a green alien looking into the distance, there's festive lights in the distance behind them

by Christmas Baby Yoda (Grogu) by Sergiy Galyonkin

I’ve scoured Soundcloud to find the best Christmas music I could find. It’s chock full of Christmas favourites that are guaranteed to:

  1. Bring Christmas cheer
  2. Not suck

{{< soundcloud 1170828793 >}}

The whole Christmas Playlist That Doesn’t Suck (2020) is up on Soundcloud right now, go have a listen!

Thank you to all the artists who have shared their Christmas songs on SoundCloud for the rest of us!

Restoration of a Childhood Icon Part Two

40-Year-Old Computers Are A Nightmare

Restoring my childhood computer is apparently going to take longer than I hoped. [Restoration of a Childhood Icon Part One]({{< ref “restoration-of-a-childhood-icon” >}}) ended on a bit of a bummer, and (spoiler warning) this part is also not the conclusion I’m looking for.

On Mike, First of His Name’s advice, I ended up purchasing a set of new capacitors and a modern PLA replacement chip from, then waited patiently for them to arrive.

Like Riding A Bike

In preparation, I’d asked for a soldering iron for my birthday, and also grabbed myself some supplies so I could dredge my rusty soldering skills out of their 30 year hiatus.

With solder in hand, and solder sucker in… also… hand, I started by recapping the board. Fortunately, once you learn to solder it’s not difficult enough to forget, so I soon had new capacitors in place.

However on testing, the old boy still wouldn’t give me anything better than a black screen.

Light At The End

A modern PLA chip replacement

Wanna PLA?

But fear not! I had the replacement PLA chip! And with this baby in place, I was…

Only slightly better off.

On testing, I’m getting somewhere with this new PLA, but it’s clear that the PLA was one of the issues with the old boy, but not the only one. Now instead of a black screen, I get the familiar blue border indicating not everything is borked, but I get a jumble of colours instead of the expected BASIC intro text.

A CRT TV with a garbled Commodore 64 display

So near...

At this point Mike offered to take the board and run some tests and repair it himself, but I’ve come so far and want to see the repairs through myself if at all possible. So on his recommendation, I’ve ordered myself this diagnostic and dead test cartridge to see if I can suss which chips are still not quite right.

The Pictorial C64 Fault Guide doesn’t show any issues quite like mine, so I need to do some digging of my own.

So stay tuned for part three, when I wire up my test harness and try and pry some chips.

Restoration of a Childhood Icon

The Pull of Nostalgia

Ever since [sending my old Commodore 128 to a better place]({{< ref “c128-journey” >}}), I’ve been thinking of it’s older breadbin C64 brother I’ve got sitting in storage. I knew we mostly used the 128 because the 64 stopped working, but I couldn’t remember exactly what was wrong with it. Thinking it was completely dead, I felt like even just putting the shell to good use would be a win. There’s some great tutorials and components you can buy that can help you convert a non-functional Commodore 64 into a modern PC or USB keyboard.

However, after almost 2 years of thinking about it, I decided I didn’t want to gut the thing until I was really sure it was dead. My mum has one of those C64 Minis and what I discovered getting that running was that emulating the Commodore wasn’t the experience I wanted to capture (or recapture). The C64 full size upgrade appears to be a better experience, but is completely sold out everywhere.

I have this small piece of my own history sitting in a cupboard, and I’ve decided I wanted to try and do what I can to breath new life into it.

Problem One: Power Supply

Step number one was the power supply. Conventional wisdom is that you don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been… ever, for any reason whatsoever… plug an original Commodore 64 power supply into a Commodore 64.

The problem as I understand it, is that the 5V DC line on the power supply will eventually inevitably break and pump more voltage into the machine than its chips can handle. There’s also a 9V AC line that’s far more stable and doesn’t cause issues, but that DC line has killed more Commodores than time alone would be responsible for. So before I could see if the machine even worked, I would have to get myself an alternative modern power supply. There’s a couple out there, but I’m told the most reliable modern PSU is the C64PSU made in Poland. Getting a PSU shipped from Poland seemed like an expensive way to start however, as there could be many more things wrong with the board, and having a working PSU sitting around with the broken computer seemed like a waste.

Then, the astonishingly generous Mike, First of His Name1 from offered to send me his C64PSU as a loner from his lockdown in Melbourne, kicking off my attempts to finally get this thing repaired.

Problem Step Two: Spring Cleaning

While I waited for that to arrive, I gave the whole thing a spruce up. The case got a clean in the dishwasher along with the keycaps, while the board got a brush down with a soft brush. The internals don’t look too bad, and I can’t see any capacitor bulges with the naked eye.

A cleaned up but still old looking Commodore 64 with brown keys

Ain't she a beut'?

I’m happy with how it turned out, and I’m even oddly proud of the couple of melt-marks on its upper grill. In my research I learned that the marks are quite common on these machines, and weren’t caused by some sort of over-heated wire or soldering iron (as I’d originally presumed) but due to a chemical reaction between the plastic of the case and something in the cables a lot of people wrapped around their C=64s while they were in storage!

Step Three: Tuning Up

Finally the other night I was able to pull out my old CRT TV and plug in Mike’s power supply and see if the thing would even boot any more. The LED came on - which was a good sign, as I vaguely recall previously attempting to get it working and not even getting a light (leaving me fearing I’d pre-fried my chips!).

The CRT is the only TV in the house I still know how to tune via RF, as I’ve also since remembered that we never once had a proper AV cable for the Commodore, and always relied on tuning the TV to channel 3 and plugging direct to the RF port (prompting memories of swapping cables at the back of the TV any time we wanted to play games).

A dusty black CRT TV sitting on a desk

Alfred, consider our game... postponed.

Problem Four: Nothing

Tuning the RF was successful after I worked out how to tune the TV with the sparse controls, but alas - I only have an empty black screen. As setbacks go, this is quite a big one - more research shows the completely black screen can be commonly caused by upwards of a dozen different issues, and tracing it to the real issue is going to take time… and money.

{{< video5 webm=“//“ mp4=“//“ vtt_en=“” >}}

Speaking to Mike we think the next step will be to replace all the capacitors on the board and see if it makes a difference, followed by replacing the PLA2. After that your guess is as good as mine. Some very clever people have dozens of tricks to determine the myriad ways a C=64 can be busted, and I’m hoping to learn a lot as I figure this out, but it may be slow going and I might not have anything to show for it for a long time, if ever.

And that’s where I’m leaving it for now. I’m looking forward to doing this, and trying to keep the cost to a minimum as I go. Getting the old thing cleaned up really confirmed my desire to get it working again. Wish me (and the memory of the 5-year-old I used to be) luck!

  1. which is just such blatant bullshit, as I have three people named “Mike” in my 10 person team at work, so they must be common as fuck.3 

  2. whatever that is. 

  3. Although I suspect Mike might be slightly older than Mike, Mike, or Mike so this mighke still be true. 

Thaehan - Mekatsune

I want to share the album I was listening to while I [figured out how to dockerise Hugo]({{< ref “Dockerised-Hugo-for-Local-Development” >}}). It’s such an upbeat listen that I didn’t notice when it looped through and played again. I was listening on soundcloud through docker-tizonia but I’ll leave you the Spotify link for Thaehan - Mekatsune and the FULL LP on Youtube

{{< youtube WuAgqT-gsc4 >}}

My two fave tracks are Chapô Chapô and Goblins, but you make up your own mind.

NOTE: I added the above as sign off on another post a few weeks ago, but re-listened to some of their music again today and decided they deserved a separate post. I’m totally blown away by their music. And as an additional bonus for re-reading this post if you saw it at the bottom of the last one, here’s a newer trilogy track called Mechanical Heart.

Flamming the Gilstone X488

Back in ‘87 the Gilstone company released the X488, a breakthrough in mesopliner technology that was soon forgotten to the mists of time. Today I’m building my own X488 and I’m going to do it with flamming!

Keeping inline with my desire to produce catchy titles I’ve named this post something nonsensical. The Gilstone X488 wasn’t a thing (was it?), but lately I’ve been getting all nostalgic for retro tech, and reading a bunch of excellent posts about technology and frankly I was feeling left out.

So I apologise if you came here hoping to learn more about flamming, or if you yourself have fond memories of the Gilstone X488, but that’s not what we’re doing today. Today I thought I’d share some excellent websites I’ve been enjoying lately, and hopefully you can find some good posts there instead!

A person holding two mugs of tea, one that says 'me' they're holding to their chest, another says 'you' they're offering to the viewer

by `Sharing` by yarenlen

Recently there was some discussion on EVERY SITE123456 about RSS feeds - how hidden they are now, and how we need to promote and boost those sites that write about the things we enjoy reading about. Not every site has to pump out quality SEO driven articles about technical subjects to drive ad revenue, and the re-emerging indieweb of randos writing about topics that interest them is so nice to see.

Earlier today I put the finishing touches on a simple Docker/PHP combo script to grab my Miniflux feeds and convert them into a [“follow” page]({{< ref “follow” >}}) here on The Geekorium. Eventually I’ll follow some of the excellent work put into the exact same problem by Jan-Lukas Else on his site to build his Miniflux blogroll, as solving the problem in Go seems more inline with my use of Hugo than a php script.

My Follow page has a super simple list of sites I’d recommend, along with their RSS feeds to make subscribing simpler if you’re into it. But right now I’ll break down some excellent posts I’ve enjoyed by a few of the people on that list.

Kev Quirk runs the mastodon instance and posted recently about his experiences with Synology and Nextcloud. I was particularly interested because I’ve tried Nextcloud in the past, and while I love the idea of keeping full control over my data, I found Nextcloud to be slow and unweildy when I tried to encrypt the data and store it in the cloud. Turns out Nextcloud is just slow. Synology looks interesting, but I’ve found that Tresorit while expensive, meets my backup needs. Kev is a ‘metablogger’ who writes sometimes about his own experiences as a writer, and is also the brains behind #100DaysToOffload, a challenge to “Just. Write.” and power the old-school personal website revolution again. Also, Quirk is a kickass last name.

I originally read Guillermo Garron (ggarron)’s post Blogging is not dead on Hacker News. It was part of a longer ongoing discussion across a number of sites on whether old-school personal web logs were dead or dying. The irony of this discussion happening across multiple personal “blogs” was not actually irony at all, but rather a concerted effort to bring back something a lot of people miss, now that corporations lock us into their specific “social” platforms. GGarron has been consistently putting out new fresh posts on his own site, doing his part to power this resurgence, to take back control and give people a reason to find and follow new people. Hs posting has led directly to making me write my more recent entries, and directly inspired me to set up a feedreader and subscribe to more people. He was the first of my new subscriptions when I finally got set up.

Horst Gutmann (zerok) wrote about Domain Of Ones Own, a program of certain universities to offer personalised domains and hosting for their students instead of a generic institutional address. This gets the student set up for life “owning” their own identity early in their career and ensures they can continue using the same tools after academia that they’ve been using all along. This idea gels with my belief that people deserve, in fact need, to claim a domain and use it for at least their own email. Zerok also built webmeniond, a way to hook the indieweb webmention technology up to your site, that I must actually enable here some time.

Launching Keyoxide is a post by Yarmo Mackenbach on the really excellent Keyoxide service he’s built as an independent tool to “prove you’re you” across multiple important websites. For example, I have a Github profile, a Mastodon profile and a personal domain that you have no way of knowing are truly “mine”. By using my Keyoxide proofs page, you’re able to see that I’ve explicitly identified profiles on these services as being under my control. Yarmo writes a lot about, and is clearly passionate for, our independence from large corporations holding and monetising our data.

Mike Stone is another fosstodon admin, and writes the sort of geeky stuff I love reading. He’s covered the software he uses, the purchase of Keybase by Zoom and his adventures into Open Source AI. He’s always got something interesting to share, and I’ve found and tried multiple new programs I’d never heard of based on his recommendations. Just don’t try eDEX-UI - it’ll crash your desktop like it did to mine!

My most recent follow I found only after putting the finishing touches on this post! Katie McLaughlin (glasnt) wrote a post called Generating a pseudorandom string: the what and the how, and while I like linux geek posts, normally the “here’s a simple command that does x” sort of posts are skippable if I can’t immediately figure out how I’ll use them. Glasnt however uses the post as an opportunity to break down the command into its parts, teaching me about tr (and LC_ALL=C), fold, and finally why short and long commandline option/argument combos make no friggin’ sense to me in a way that makes friggin’ sense. I had to immediately subscribe and add her to this list for making a linux command-line post so much more informative than they usually are.

The last person on my list is someone I’ve followed since at least 2010 when “blogs” were a thing, the salmon protocol was about to take off, and Twitter was cool. Ruben Schade (Rubenerd) has been podcasting and writing since before both were things everyone did, and is still going years later (he’s up to 411 episodes of his show which is just insane). I’m not even going to try and link to a good example of his posts, as they’re so eclectic. His technical posts are the reason I titled this post the way I did, and I’m using Linux and Hugo directly because of him (although he uses BSD like a gentleman), and I have [implemented]({{< ref “https-content-security-policy” >}}) or [de-implemented]({{< ref “bye-bye-disqus” >}}) tech on this very site due to his recommendations. If you search for mentions of his name here, you’ll start to wonder if I have a crush on the guy, but he’s just one of the few consistent writers I’ve follow - and he also doesn’t allow comments on his site and only uses Twitter, so I can’t give him feedback any other way!

So that’s just a small list and taste of the people I’m following. There are many others, but I can’t write paragraphs about all of them so I’ll throw up some good posts by randos here:

I hope you can find someone new to follow, or are inspired to fire up a feed reader and start. And to all the people I’ve linked to here, and those who are on my list who maybe didn’t get a mention, thank you for writing, please keep going! Let’s write for pleasure and enrichment and keep the web personal and alive.







Catchy Titles Capture Clicks

This is the third in a series of posts where I just plonk stuff I’ve been thinking about that doesn’t go anywhere else. It’s got a stupid title because my first thought is…

  1. I have a real bad time trying to come up with good titles. I don’t try too hard, so I guess it’s to be expected, but I note that my titles have a similar quality to other posts I’ve read that strike me as amateur. If I could tell you what that meant it would put me closer to rectifying it.

  2. I have subscribed to a number of new “blogs” recently - as an aside, I think the word blog is awful so I will from now on refer to them as as net-logs, or personal chronicles, or whatever fits.

    After a week of posts on Hackernews about the death and resurrection1 of said personal chronicles, I thought I’d fire up the ol’ RSS reader and brush off the dust.

    The first thing that struck me was how unpleasant the PHP-based software I had been using was. So instead of dicking around with it, I put my new Docker/Nginx skills to work and fired up a version of Miniflux which is just so elegant and simple to work with. I’ve been slowly accumulating a bunch of low-key personal chronicles by people who write about FOSS and speculate about the same kind of issues that interest me. I’ll put up a list of them somewhere soon.

  3. I’m looking for some diversity in my growing list - a lot of these people are other men about my age, which is a fine thing to be - I myself am a man about my age - but other view-points and ideas are also nice. I’m interested in FOSS, internet decentralisation/federation, programming, technology so I’m looking for personal chronicles with a similar bent. I’m not looking to subscribe to stuff that’s completely outside my interests (eg. sport, cars, gardening etc.) but someone who occasionally shares their passions for those things amongst the stuff I’m interested in is welcome2. Share your linkrolls!

  4. Today I did a big Mastodon harvest - finding and following a lot of new people. This was just to widen the number of voices I’m seeing there. I have to walk the line I failed to walk on Twitter though - while it’s important to be politically engaged, Twitter doesn’t do political nuance well, and Masto probably doesn’t either. I don’t want a lot of politics in my feed anymore. I also need to remember that hiding people’s boosts is a thing I can do.

  5. I was going to say something about the protests and riots and police/military action going on in the US, but almost everything I wrote seemed flippant. I hope that whatever happens it leads to real lasting change (or the start of it).

That’s another round up of stuff that’s been on my mind that doesn’t deserve it’s own post. I guess it’s also the third in the #100DaysToOffload3 series I haven’t officially committed to.

  1. is one of my first new subscriptions 

  2. gets a lot of mentions on here because he shares a lot of my passions, but will often share stuff I had no idea was interesting and I appreciate it. 

  3. was posting almost daily and made me nostalgic for the days where I was reading lots of personal logs and occasionally keeping my own.