I lost track of what week we’re up to, and I’ve got a few updates to roll into this one, so my titles are off.

Had a major assignment and a test since last time I updated, so I thought it might be time to report how they went.

I was happy with my assignment and my grade of Satisfactory, until I realised I could have gotten Outstanding! Apparently my only mistake was to not:

Keep the instance variable on the same line as its label.

Eg in my toString class I put:

public String toString() {
    return super.toString() +
    " Place: " +
    place +
    "; State: " +
    state +
    "; Postcode: " +
    postcode +
    "; Country: " +

Instead of:

public String toString() {
    return super.toString() +
    " Place: " + place +
    "; State: " + state +
    "; Postcode: " + postcode +
    "; Country: " + country;

Obvious, but worth marking me down? Maybe I did something else wrong, but I don’t think so.

I also attempted the test which included a section on Arrays. I haven’t done any study on arrays. I was worried. But the test was open book, so I learned what I needed as I went, and even had time to attempt the merit. My result?

**That's** better!

So I’m pretty happy with that.

Now on to Polymorphism and Interfaces!