Space Flight 704, Chapter 71: The Sum of the Whole
He sensed the other watching him.
“This is you, isn’t it?” he asked, holding the Ortrix up.
{{% voiceinthedark %}}“In a manner of speaking,”{{% /voiceinthedark %}} replied the other in a way that sounded melancholy, even though it lacked tone.
“All the Torim below created this? Became this before they died?” asked Rex.
{{% voiceinthedark %}}“Instead of dying,”{{% /voiceinthedark %}} the other corrected, {{% voiceinthedark %}}“and not just the Torim below.”{{% /voiceinthedark %}}
{{% voiceinthedark %}}“Although the other Torim lived, what little power they possessed was a power they all shared”{{% /voiceinthedark %}}
“And now it’s all in the Ortrix?”