As of posting, @networkvideohub hasn’t tweeted. I’m hoping that will change soon!
Today’s follow recommendation was a last minute ring-in. On a whim I suggested to Scott Thomas, the manager of Aberfoyle Park’s Network Video, that they should start a Twitter account, and he sounded keen. I thought it’d be neat to be able to tweet movie recommendations, check whether videos are in stock and generally interact with the staff there, who are all so nice.
The staff there have taken the time to learn my name, and give me recommendations when I go in of videos that I might like, having learned the type of videos that Camilla refuses to watch. And the Scott has very good taste in movies too, which is a good thing for a movie store manager. The other week I asked about the IT Crowd, and Ryan immediately hopped online and ordered it. That’s service.
They haven’t got a website for me to link to unfortunately, so their Twitter account will have to do. Follow @networkvideohub if you want to support a local Adelaide business who’s trying something new. Follow them for information on the latest movie releases, movie recommendations and because the staff there are friendly and know videos.