The Christmas Playlist That Doesn't Suck (2015)

A photo of a Star Wars Stormtrooper toy in a Christmas tree with twinkling lights behind

by `Merry Christmas` by Jose Maria Cuellar

I’ve scoured Soundcloud to find the best Christmas music I could find. It’s chock full of Christmas favourites (and a few new ones) that are guaranteed to:

  1. Bring Christmas cheer
  2. Not suck

Thank you to all the artists who have shared their Christmas songs on SoundCloud for the rest of us!

{{< soundcloud 167228826 >}}

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn’t Suck (2015)

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn't Suck (2014)

An illustration of a cute but ugly monster sitting in a weird and twisted snowscape eating a candycane broken off a nearby tentacle

by `Christmas 2010` by Rob Sheridan

I’ve scoured Soundcloud to find the best Christmas music I could find. It’s chock full of Christmas favourites (and a few new ones) that are guaranteed to:

  1. Bring Christmas cheer
  2. Not suck

Thank you to all the artists who have shared their Christmas songs on SoundCloud for the rest of us!

{{< soundcloud 62612028 >}}

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn’t Suck (2014)

NOTE: I posted this in 2015, backdated to 2013 when I created it because I wanted an archive of each year.

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn't Suck (2013)

A photo of two toy robots in front of a Christmas tree

by `robot christmas` by Andrew Miller

I’ve scoured Soundcloud to find the best Christmas music I could find. It’s chock full of Christmas favourites (and a few new ones) that are guaranteed to:

  1. Bring Christmas cheer
  2. Not suck

25+ tracks from great musicians with a unique sound to bring to your Christmas celebrations. Including favourites like “Away in a Manger”, “Carol of the Bells”, and even a special rendition of an old favourite from a much beloved Star Wars character!

Thank you to all the artists who have shared their Christmas songs on SoundCloud for the rest of us!

{{< soundcloud 15217087 >}}

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn’t Suck (2013)

NOTE: I posted this in 2015, backdated to 2013 when I created it because I wanted an archive of each year.

The Christmas Playlist That Doesn't Suck (2012)

Teeny tiny candycanes on the tips of someone's fingers

Miniature Peppermint Candy Canes by Aminimanda

Not your usual Christmas Candy

I’ve scoured Soundcloud (for literally hours) to find the best Christmas music I could find and my playlist is finally complete. It’s chock full of Christmas favourites (and a few new ones) that are guaranteed to:

  1. Bring Christmas cheer
  2. Not suck1

30 tracks from the likes of Ivy Levan, Swing Republic, Pomplamoose, and Owen Pye. Who are these people you ask? Well, they’re all great musicians and they each have a unique sound to bring to your Christmas celebrations. Including favourites like Away in a Manger, Carol of the Bells, and even the Theme from Home Alone.

Over an hour of music, all completely free (although Soundcloud lets you buy tracks if you so desire)!

{{< soundcloud 2946037 >}}

2010 Playlist

  1. There might be one deliberately awful track. See if you can spot it. 

Space Flight 704, Chapter 26: Deadly Knowledge

He immediately felt bad about it.

With the understanding he found after hugging his chosen rock, he discovered he knew exactly what to do when The Other suggested he “unmake it”.

Without thinking he reached deep into the structure of the rock and made it no-longer-a-rock. At the same time he felt a rush of energy and strength and sparkling thought. It was exhilarating, liberating, and devastating.

Rex had destroyed something. It hadn’t been alive, but it was home to an entire species of organism that had grown there for generations. It couldn’t feel, but its absence left a void that Rex couldn’t fill. Rex had killed before, in his last life - a blaster had often been his only choice for survival, but this was different. He had used his power to connect with an object. It had helped him understand the universe better and he had obliterated it.

The knowledge of it crushed him like the acceleration from escaping Vellegas 6, but without the release of weightlessness at the other end.

Rex shivered.