To @brizzly @tweetie @seesmic @echofon: Add this feature and I will have your babies.

An example of my proposal

An example of my proposal

I don’t want a separate app where I have to gather all my friends and influencers in one place all over again - I have that in Twitter.

What I want from you is a way to flag a user (secretly) as someone whose opinion has aligned with mine in the past, so that when they say “I love this new movie”, I’ll be reasonably certain that I will too. And if I could flag someone’s opinion as wrong1 most of the time, then I will know that when they say “I love this song”, not to bother clicking through to it. It might mean that some of the users in my stream have slightly darker or lighter updates so I can tell at a glance which ones I’ve flagged as trustworthy or mostly wrong.

Heck, just being able to easily see that someone is in a “trusted” private Twitter list with a glance at my main stream would be double handy. Do that.

Thank you for listening. If you do this, you will win the world.

PS. to all the people I follow: I’m not talking about any of you. I think all of you have fantastic taste. It’s those oter people I worry about…

  1. that’s what we’re all thinking right? 

Why Australia should remain part of the Commonwealth of Nations

I’m a republican at heart, but some things just shouldn’t be tampered with. This morning when thinking about the issue of whether Australia should be looking to rule itself, and cut ties with the British monarchy, only one thing played on my mind as a possibly unintentional consequence of such a move.

The Crown jewels at The Tower of

photo credit: Edgley Cesar

This issue should not be taken lightly. Whilst it is a slim possibility, even a remote chance should be enough to halt all talks of such a change until this issue can be sorted out.

Would the Brits still send us new episodes of Dr. Who?

Now, don’t scoff. This is serious. Our link to their scheduling is already tenuous. We get their special one-off Christmas episode usually scheduled at the start of our season - which in itself comes months after theirs has aired. We are supposed to be one of the Commonwealth Sovereign States - we share a monarch and a Secretary General - yet we do not share a common Dr. Who schedule. I’m not sure I’m willing to risk what little right we have to future episodes over the trivial issue of our Head of State.

Picture a future without Dr. Who… Australia might be forced to create our own version of the show. What an abomination that would be! Whilst we have some fine actors and producers in this country, between them we haven’t had a decent local show in years. Let alone one with Daleks and Cybermen.

Although, that being said, I’d like to see an episode using some of our own cast. Ernie Dingo would be fantastic in the roll of the Doctor. It’d certainly break the Doctor out of that upper-middle class white guy thing he has going. Throw in Noni Hazlehurst as a companion (or Lisa McCune perhaps). John Howard as the bad guy for a season arc. It could actually be quite good. In a Comic Relief sort of way.

Even if we had to re-dub the characters with Aussie accents, it just wouldn’t be the same without the old British Dr. Who. So just think on that before you start pushing Mr. Rudd for a Republic - I couldn’t live without it.